Industry Surveys & Data

SBCA conducts annual Wage & Benefit, Financial Performance, and Industry Climate Surveys for Component Manufacturer (CM) members. The surveys track financial, wage, operations and industry trends, giving CMs an opportunity to measure their company benchmarks against other companies in the industry.

  • User-friendly online data entry form
  • Tracks Profit & Loss data
  • Compares Wages & Benefits
  • Provides Operating Metrics

Darren DeKeyser, our independent CPA consultant from DDK Strategies, LLC provides member locations with a customized link and confidential login information tied only to your company (one ID per location) for entering data into the online survey form.

Request Information on SBCA's Surveys


Component manufacturer members who participate in the Financial Performance and/or Wage & Benefit surveys will be provided access to the data for the survey(s) they participated in free of charge. SBCA members who do not participate can purchase the results for $1,600. Survey results are not available to non-members.

Business Wage & Benefit Survey

The Wage and Benefit Survey is a biennial survey that collects data on SBCA Component Manufacturer Regular Members' personnel compensation and benefits.

wage and benefit survey logo

The Wage & Benefit Survey compiles industry information on:

  • Wages
  • Bonuses & Promotion
  • Vacation/Personal/Holiday Pay
  • Insurance
  • Retirement Plans
  • Time Policies

Only people that participated in the 2021 Wage & Benefit Survey or purchased the survey will be able to log in and download the report. 

Download 2022 Wage & Benefit Survey Report

Download 2024 Wage & Benefit Survey Report

Financial Performance Survey

The Financial Performance Survey (FPS) provides financial and operating information presented in an income statement format, along with key data for use in evaluating your company’s sales and benchmarks. FPS industry information includes:

financial performance logo

  • Income Analysis
  • Regional and Company Size Breakdown
  • Key Ratios for Benchmarking Purposes

The 2024 SBCA Financial Performance Survey closed on Friday, August 9.

Only people that participated in the 2020 Financial Performance Survey or would like to purchase the survey, please contact SBCA Staff.

Download 2020 FPS Survey Report

Industry Climate Survey

Most recently conducted in December of 2019, SBCA is pleased to provide the results of its Industry Climate Survey, which gauges component manufacturer members’ key business concerns and expectations for growth in 2020.

Download 2019 Industry Climate Survey
Download 2018 Industry Climate Survey
Download 2017 Industry Climate Survey